· SCC · 4 min read
Upcoming book groups and a helpful summary.

Intro to Impactful Thinking
Transform linear, reductionistic thinking into more-expansive thinking practices. Practice noticing your thinking patterns. Join a cohort to share insights, get support and resolve blockers. Lessons include:
- Systems thinking practices
- Writing as thinking: foundational practice(s)
- Bugs in our thinking: logical fallacies and cognitive biases
- A few artifacts to try
Book Group: Design Unbound: Designing for Emergence in a White Water World by Ann M. Pendleton-Jullian and John Seely Brown
Metacognition and Empathy as Core Skills
Transform counterproductive reactions into conceptual integrity. Practice noticing your thinking patterns. Join a cohort to practice noticing reactions and integrating points of view. Lessons include:
- Working with your (constant) reactions
- Proactive perspective taking
- Synthesizing and integrating: a core practice
- Crafting (internal) conceptual integrity
Book Group: The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don’t by Julia Galef
Learning & Generating Knowledge
Transform task-driven development into a learning-driven career. Practice structuring your own learning practice. Join a cohort and build your knowledge repository. Lessons include:
- Make time to think: daily deep work
- Identifying what to learn
- Sharing your learning
- Due diligence: what to do before you shake things up
- Intro to knowledge repositories
Book Group: Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware by Andy Hunt
Systemic Reasoning
Transform opinions into sound, cogent recommendations. Practice creating recommendations supported by sound reasons. Join a cohort and collaborate on developing a Big Idea that impacts your circumstances. Lessons include:
- Intro to systemic reasoning
- Strengthening the reasons
- The five-pointed star: synthesizing perspectives
- Why does this matter now?
Book Group: An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments by Ali Almossawi and A Rulebook for Arguments by Anthony Weston
Designing Feedback Loops
Transform noise into signal. Practice asking for the feedback you need (and ignoring the feedback you don’t). Join a cohort to become an excellent feedback facilitator. Lessons include:
- First, a little therapy
- Asking for the feedback you need
- Giving feedback that improves thinking
- The trouble with hierarchy: intro to repackaging
Book Group: Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed by James C. Scott
Interdependent Artifacts
Transform individual expertise into interdependent ideas that generate innovation. Practice creating a collection of interdependent artifacts. Join a cohort design a sufficient collection of artifacts to improve your circumstances. Lessons include:
- Modeling knowledge flow
- Interrelating artifacts
- Communicating divergent points of view
- Beyond RACI: Convergence
- Conceptual integrity: a sufficient collection of artifacts
Book Group: Communication Patterns by Jacqui Read
Modeling Patterns and Structures
Transform requirements-driven design into insight-driven design. Practice modeling, alone and with others. Join a cohort experience collaborative modeling with exercises like EventStorming. Lessons include:
- A shared language: Defining concepts and vocabulary
- Models and knowledge flow
- Facilitating modeling
- Show don’t tell: What models are helpful?
Book Group: Collaborative Software Design by Evelyn van Kelle, Gien Verschatse, and Kenny Baas-Schwegler
Architecting Knowledge Flow
Transform software thinking into relationship designs. Practice decoupled information system design. Join a cohort tackle a real-world system challenge together. Lessons include:
- Two pieces of software walk into a bar
- Information design isn’t (necessarily) knowledge design
- What’s a platform?
- Build a prototype
Book Group: Building Knowledge Graphs by Jesus Barrasa & Amy E. Hodler
Taking a Systems Perspective
Transform systems understanding into impactful action. Practice modeling a system in various ways. Join a cohort to build a framework that describes a familiar system. Lessons include:
- Qualities of a healthy system
- Frameworks & approaches
- The Iceberg Model
- Events
- Capabilities
Book Group: The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge
Shifting Paradigms
Transform solutions into transformations. Practice identifying a leverage point. Join a cohort to share strategies for communicating and acting on a real-world leverage point. Lessons include:
- What is a leverage point?
- Finding a leverage point
- Recommend a first step
- What else might be impacting this situation?
Book Group: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn
Systems Leadership: Redefining Success
Transform management into leadership.. Practice two self-selected qualities of systemic leadership. Join a cohort design an approach to develop systemic leadership in your circumstances. Lessons include:
- The trouble with “management”
- Qualities of systemic leadership
- Planning your practices
- How will you teach others now?
Book Group: Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by Gen. Stanley McChrystal
A Self-Defined Systems Project
Transform passive learning into a project that matters (to you). Practice self-directed initiative. Join a cohort to present your project to others.
Book Group: Ultralearning by Scott Young