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Hello fellow systems navigators,
For 20+ years, I’ve engineered, architected, and transformed software systems. The challenges I faced weren’t just technical. The biggest challenges were the way we think, communicate, and make decisions about systems. Linear approaches to systems design caused more pain than bugs in code or implementing Kubernetes.
If you’ve ever struggled with:
- Rigid, mechanistic approaches to complex software systems.
- Rickety architectures held together by duct tape and Minions,
- Superficial transformations that change the tools but maintain systematic blockers.
- Dysfunctional communication across silos and hierarchies..
- Seeing systemic solutions but not being heard.
- Fire drilling rather than problem solving.
- Feeling like an outsider when you challenge the status quo with divergent thinking.
You are not alone.
Across multiple organizations, I’ve faced these challenges repeatedly, pushing the same rock up different hills. Only to watch the patterns recur. It’s exhausting.
I decided to stop trying to control development and figure out how to design knowledge systems that enable real transformation. That’s why I wrote Learning Systems Thinking. That’s why I speak at international tech conferences. And that’s why I founded the SystemCrafters Collective.
To understand what needs to change and how to change it, I need your knowledge and experience. Together, we can define, describe and apply better approaches to relationally-complex information systems.
What we will do, together.
The goal of Systems Rearchitected is to enable systems thinkers to think in systems so we can enable systems thinking. Pretty meta, right?
I look forward to thinking with you,