About SRA
Welcome to the
SystemCrafters Collective
We are technologists faced with increasing complexity. We learn from each other while practicing the art and science of systems design.

systems salon
A Community of Practice
Members can self organize according to their interests. Discuss all things systems in The Feedback Loop. Recommend talks, books or other stuff you've enjoyed. Snack on knowledge in The Systems Café. Overthink with others in the asynchronous book group, Everything is Connected.
An Emerging Library
The Systems Library is a collection of resources, experts and topics to explore. Contribute your favorites, help make it a valuable resource..
A Systems Perspective
The newsletter, Architecting Systems, shares quick tips and resources to support your practice. Community hosts, organizers and facilitators include experts who also publish books, workshops, and other media to encourage change that matters.
Your Hosts
The SCC community arose out of a nourishing and sustainable network of people solving the hard challenges. We will be sharing their talks, books and hands-on learning facilitation. But their impact and influence is part of the fabric of SRA.
Diana has 20+ years experience engineering and architecting software systems, with a focus on transforming software into systems of software. She is the author of the O’Reilly book, Learning Systems Thinking: Essential Nonlinear Skills & Practices for Software Professionals. Diana lives in the Hudson Valley, NY, USA.

Diana Montalion
Systems Designer
Andrew Harmel-Law is a Tech Principal at Thoughtworks. They also enjoy sharing their experience informally through mentoring, online training, blog posts, conferences (speaking and organising), and open-sourcing code. Andrew is the author of the O'Reilly book Facilitating Software Architecture

Andrew Harmel-Law
Architecture Faciliator
New Book
Essential Skills and Practices for Software Professionals
Welcome to the systems age, where software professionals are no longer building software—we are building systems of software. In this world of increasing relational complexity, we need to think differently. This book shows you how systems thinking can guide you through the complexity of modern systems. Through a series of practices and real-world scenarios, you will learn to shift your perspective in order to design, develop, and deliver better outcomes.

New Book
The Role of Software Architect is Evolving.
There is another way to practice architecture -- an approach driven by decentralized and empowering decision-making techniques. This collaborative, decentralized approach and mindset, allows everyone to do architecture. Propelled by a simple set of enabling constraints and arranged according to some core principles, we can build the best systems we have ever experienced. Systems which we are all proud of, and that are a joy to work with.